Upper Respiratory Infection

What is an Upper Respiratory Infection?

The upper and lower respiratory tracts are the two portions of the human respiratory system that carry oxygen to the lungs. The nose, sinuses, pharynx/throat, and larynx/voice box are all part of the upper tract, whereas the lungs and windpipe are part of the lower tract.

If left untreated, an upper respiratory infection (URI), also known as the “common cold,” can cause workers and students to miss work or school.

Causes & Treatment

Symptoms Upper Respiratory Infection?

Inflammation of the nose

Sore or scratchy throat

Sneezing too much

a stuffy nose

Earaches \ Fever

Though these symptoms are similar to those of the influenza virus, the main distinction is that the flu usually causes achy joints, sore muscles, and a high-grade fever.

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