External hemorrhoids may be visible to your doctor. Internal hemorrhoids can be diagnosed by examining your anal canal and rectum.

Examined digitally. A gloved, lubricated finger is inserted into your rectum by the doctor. He or she is on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary, such as growths.

Visual examination is required. Because internal hemorrhoids are typically too soft to feel during a rectal exam, your doctor may use an anoscope, proctoscope, or sigmoidoscope to examine the lower region of your colon and rectum.

If you have any of the following symptoms, your doctor may recommend a colonoscopy to examine your entire colon:

You may have another digestive system ailment based on your indications and symptoms.

You have colorectal cancer risk factors.

You’re in your forties and haven’t had a colonoscopy in a while.

Causes & Treatment

What causes abscesses or cysts?

The majority of the time, you can treat your haemorrhoids at home.

Consuming a diet rich in fiber

Psyllium NIH external link (Metamucil) or methylcellulose as a stool softener or fibre supplement (Citrucel)

Each day, as directed by your health care provider, consume water or other nonalcoholic drinks.

How are abscesses and cysts treated?

Not squeezing the bowels during bowel movements

Not spending significant lengths of time on the toilet

Taking acetaminophen NIH external link, ibuprofen NIH external link, naproxen NIH external link, or aspirin as an over-the-counter pain reliever

sits bathing (sitting in a tub of warm water) multiple times a day to help relieve discomfort

Mild pain, swelling, and itching may be relieved by using over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams or ointments, or by using suppositories (a drug you insert into your rectum).

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